
As seen in the exhibition Ubiquitous, a CTM / Vorspiel event taken place in Feldfünf.

Bailey Keogh .jpeg

Financial systems operate rapidly and the human assertion to perceive (let alone comprehend) each transaction within a system and then consolidate a data dump of information to derive meaning is nothing short of hubris. The average time it takes for the human eye to adjust to darkness is 30 minutes and in no coincidence 30 minutes is about the time it takes for the complete absence of light following the setting of the sun. And while our bodies remain wholesomely akin to grasp our peripheral settings in nature our own creations like money, value and most recently crypto currency rush past our means of observation.

0.3CONE30ROD604800BTC pulls data from bitcoin transactions and projects the somewhat meaningless series of numbers. During 30 minute intervals the brightness of the projection decreases into absence and then increases into view.



0.3 mm is the diameter of the rod free region known as the “ fovea centralis “ hosting thin, densely packed cones that make up the majority of the eye’s color sensitivity.

Rods are responsible for dark-adapted scotopic vision. While they are not sensitive to color they are incredibly efficient photoreceptors. However their sensitivity makes them take much longer than cones to adapt to changes. Optimum dark vision is only achieved after about 30 minutes.

604800 is the average number of bitcoin transactions per day.